현재 위치 - 대출자문플랫폼 - 초보자질문 - How far is it from Chuxiong Station to Chuxiong West Bus Station?

How far is it from Chuxiong Station to Chuxiong West Bus Station?

9 kilometers. According to the relevant map, it is 9 kilometers from Chuxiong Station to Chuxiong West Bus Station, passing through Beicheng Primary School, Greeting Station and People's Hospital New District Hospital, and the whole journey takes 30 minutes. Chuxiong Station, located in Lucheng North Road, Chuxiong City, has convenient transportation, many supermarkets and shops, and convenient travel for citizens. Many bus lines pass by, and it is located in the main urban area of Chuxiong City. It mainly undertakes the daily passenger flow from Chuxiong City to Kunming Northwest Bus Terminal, and also undertakes the passenger flow from Chuxiong Bus Terminal to Lufeng City, as well as Ganhaizi, Luochuan, Shugen and Wool in the urban area.
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