현재 위치 - 대출자문플랫폼 - 초보자질문 - Qiaozikou Primary School is now 6 1 class.

Qiaozikou Primary School is now 6 1 class.

It turns out that the number of students in class 6/kloc-0 is the total number of students in two classes.

8 ÷ (8+7) = 65438+8/05

Now the number of students in class 6 1 is the total number of students in two classes.

4 ÷ (4+5) = 4 out of 9

There are two classes * * *

8 ÷ (8-4/9 of15) = 90 people.

There used to be one in class 6 1.

90× 65438+8/05 = 48 people

There were six classes and two classes.

90-48 = 42 people

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