현재 위치 - 대출자문플랫폼 - 하찮은일 - What are the events in Zheng Hong?

What are the events in Zheng Hong?

Zheng Hong * * * has 14 projects. Splendid Zheng Hong International Apartment, Zheng Hong Banner, Zheng Hongshan, Zheng Hong Xiao Chun, Zheng Hong Digital Apartment, Zheng Hong Lanbao Bay, Zhenghong Shixi, Zhenghong Expo, Zhenghong Hongtai, Zhenghong Bay, Zhenghong High-tech Cyberport, Zhenghong Kaibin City, Jiujunhong, Yijiang Hongcheng and Zhenghong Central Park.

I am working on the Zhenghongqi project myself.

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