현재 위치 - 대출자문플랫폼 - 하찮은일 - 아이패드가 대학생들에게 미치는 영향에 대한 영어 작문을 구하다

아이패드가 대학생들에게 미치는 영향에 대한 영어 작문을 구하다


apple has been revolution izing the way we look at technology over the last three decades.the first Macintosh came out in 1984 01 and the ipod set new standards in music.six years later, The iphone created a whole new way of communication with it's broad range of applications and Wi-Fi capabilities.

but apple didn't stop there.in Steve job's recently-published biography, Author Walter isaacson writes that the textbook industry was one jobs really wanted to change.apple recently launched it's new education PP Making textbooks and other learning tools available to students through the ipad.

ipads are now being distributed through public schools in every state.white knoll high school has brought ipads into their class An, a probability and statistics teacher, Uses these devices in his classroom everyday.

"for me it's as much about communication as it is about gathering data ... the real world data they put in stat books is out data "said Tillman.

the students are allowed to use laptops in the classroom as well, But some agree the ipads are a lot more user friendly.

"its a lot easier than lugging around a laptop, "says senior Jacob Greer.

even Tillman says the capabilities of the ipads exceed that of laptops.


Y want laptops, cause we can't do a lot of things that we can do on the ipad, "said Tillman.

these devices aren't just being used in high schools.the ipads have become popular with collar So popular that the university of south Carolina started an ipad rental program in January.

the ipads are available through a check out system in the tech lounge at the Thomas Cooper library.since the program has started Had about four hundred check outs.manager lance dupree says integrating this new technology into student's curriculum is what he wants to sstudent P >

"we're always looking for new ways that they can be used by the students to further their education, "said Dupree.

USC tried to cover a broad spectrum of what students might need for their classes with forty seven applications available.incle Angry birds on the ipads.

have these devices which were intended for educational purposes become a distraction in the cle Psychology professor Dr. Adam hutcheson understand that listening to lectures aren't always fun.

"I understening But it doesn't give them an excuse to be playing angry birds for the entire 50 min duration of the class, "said hutcheson.

and what happens when winning a game becomes more important than taking notes?

"when its a better reward than learning so

Mething new in class than to get a good grade, we have a problem, "said hutcheson.

Tillman says the ipads can be But there are negatives ..

"I think there are several ways where the ipad has revolutionize d my classroom and other ways where its the same ole same ole distration "said Tillman.

high school freshman, Bianca Lopez agrees that it's some times hard to pay attention in class with an ipad.

"I think its better in a way but at the same time its distracting, "said Lopez ..

some students say it makes class participation for enjoyable.

"I feel like more people are involved cause they can do it on their ipads, "said Greer ..

the tech lounge hopes students are actually using ipads for academics.dupree says it would be worth P >

"I really feel that the student who takes the time and customizes it to their way of learning, That flexibility far out ways someone playing angry birds in class, "said dupree.

Tillman says all teachers can do is try and use these tools to engage the students.

"I have no idea what the next step will be we have to be able to mold and fit ourselves to what's going to work .. I' ve got

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