현재 위치 - 대출자문플랫폼 - 하찮은일 - What are the primary schools directly under Hantai District?

What are the primary schools directly under Hantai District?

Zhongshan Street Primary School in Hanzhong City and Xiguan Primary School in Hantai District.

1. According to the information of Hantai District Education Bureau, Zhongshan Street Primary School in Hanzhong City is a primary school established by Hantai District Education Bureau in Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, and its address is located in Zhongshan Street, Hantai District, Hanzhong City.

2. Xiguan Primary School in Taiqu is a primary school in Hantai District, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province. Its address is located in Laodong West Road, Hantai District, Hanzhong City, directly under the Education Bureau of Hantai District.

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