현재 위치 - 대출자문플랫폼 - 하찮은일 - Gouache painting, printmaking, traditional Chinese painting, oil painting and computer painting, which is suitable for children in Grade One?

Gouache painting, printmaking, traditional Chinese painting, oil painting and computer painting, which is suitable for children in Grade One?

Children's paintings are more suitable. Gouache painting, printmaking, traditional Chinese painting and oil painting are professional and not suitable for children to learn. Gouache painting, printmaking and oil painting all need an understanding of light and shadow and structure, which children can't understand. Computer painting radiation is too strong, which is easy to cause children's myopia. Therefore, you'd better let your child learn children's painting and cultivate his interest in painting. If you really want your children to learn something. Just choose Chinese painting. I learned some ink painting when I was a child, which was quite interesting.
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