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Ask someone to teach new Chinese words in the second grade of primary school.

People's Education Press, Grade Five, Primary School Chinese (Volume II)

Word list (1)


B pull mussels and pump away our walls and temples.

In cabin C, Cao Heng mixed money and pulled the journey to show his enthusiasm.

Pray, stare, drink, swear.


F atmospheric combustion rich symbol

When you are in trouble, you hire a cunning man.

H, I'm afraid of you.

J avoid sacrifice, wringing, robbing wells and refusing torches.

K kank chews and Ku hips

I'm sorry to hear the news.

M-Mantle Python trade media -Mimommu

N nauni reverse drive hideous slave crossbow

P, pay for it, pay for it.

Q: I'm afraid of birds sleeping and cheekbones of prisoners.

Rong Rong Rong Rong was humiliated.

S Sao Sao Sao, look at it, look at it, look at it, look at it.

Obstruction of phlegm to push off

Stubborn, arrogant and arrogant

X daughter-in-law's stuffing effect, unloading machine, salary, punishment rust.

Y ya oxygen demon rumors choke sakura Yong Yu ape said

Z chisel thief cheated grasshopper village, the carpet burst and the juice burned.

People's Education Publishing House, Grade Two of Primary Chinese Volume II: Word List (2)


Bob plays the role of bodyguard and reports to you.

C colorful vegetable book, cicada, cicada, cicada, cicada, cicada, cicada, cicada, cicada, cicada.

Take a dandan dandan knife, a knife and a nail, and throw them into the freezer to dodge.


F Fang Feifei Fenfeng Fengfu

G The dog in Gonggougou, Gongge Palace, bought enough femoral crutches.

H, cold, shouting, drinking, booing, coax rainbow, thick, sudden, slip ring calls panic, yellow, bright, gray.

J traces of the crowded season, along with the price inspection and construction, gradually reward the arrogant and anxious feet to untie the border bar.

K ke ken ku ku

L Langlei leaves colored glass lilies, carries jingles, and leaves Liulonglou furnaces in disorder.

I am buried in the air, full of mystery, covered with honey and cotton.

Brain-resistant mud

P party, party, plane, batch, ticket fraud, comment on po po po.

Q swindles money and knocks on spring.

However, R is still glorious and weak.

S yarn dealers burn spoons, win the province and save your life. Count the sleeping silk and leave the broken bamboo shoots.

T tower is about exploring lying waves and escaping from special stairs.

W, I hope Wa dies, but I won't be Wu Wu.

×× Xiong Xu of Xixia County

Y presses the duck bud to stun the smoke, Yan Yan is tired of shaking the wild art, and the silver is hidden.

Z-bad, blink, pick up a needle, array the whole spider, turn over the pile and chase the drill.

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