현재 위치 - 대출자문플랫폼 - 하찮은일 - How far is it from Minlian Road to Song Li Nang Primary School?

How far is it from Minlian Road to Song Li Nang Primary School?

Driving route: the whole journey is about 4.3 kilometers.

Starting point: Minlian Square

1. Start from the starting point to the southeast, drive along Minsheng Avenue for 330 meters, and turn left into Beihuan Avenue.

2. Drive along Beihuan Avenue 2. 1km, turn right into Xitian Road and drive towards Changchun North Road (north).

3. Drive along Xitian Road150m and turn left into Hedi Road.

4. Drive along Hedi Road for 790 meters and turn right into Battery Road.

5. Drive along Battery Road for 440 meters and turn left into Zhikang Road.

6. Drive along Zhikang Road 190 meters, pass Yolanda Department Store on the left, drive for about 220 meters, and reach the finish line.

End point: Song Li tuberculosis primary school.

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