현재 위치 - 대출자문플랫폼 - 초보자질문 - How many classes are there in the fifth grade of Longxu Dafu Primary School in Wuzhou?

How many classes are there in the fifth grade of Longxu Dafu Primary School in Wuzhou?

Six classes. Wei Long Dafu Primary School in Wuzhou City is a demonstration complete primary school in Weilong District of Wuzhou City. As of July 12, 2023, there were 36 classes in the school, including 6 classes in Grade 5. Wei Long Dafu Primary School in Wuzhou City was built on 20 18, and its address is about 240 meters north of the intersection of Guang Kun Expressway and Cangwu South Interchange in Weilong District, Wuzhou City.
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