Student ID: Personal identification code (19 digits) is a unified code for basic information of personnel in the education system, which consists of type code (1 digit) and citizen identification number (18 digits) or personal identification self-coding (18 digits). Personal identity self-coding (18th digit) is an educational identity number given to the educated individual by the Ministry of Education according to these rules when the educated individual does not have a citizenship number (the second generation) or the original citizenship number is not available. Personal identity self-coding (18 bits) is a feature combination code, which consists of a 17-bit digital ontology code and a check code. The order from left to right is: six-digit address code, eight-digit date of birth code, three-digit serial code and one-digit check code.
Temporary student number: the national temporary student number coding rule is L+ the number generated according to the ID number coding rule (6-digit school district code +8-digit birth date +4-digit random code).
Official student number: with ID number: G+ ID number. No ID number: J+ ID number generation rules.
Please consult the school student status management personnel for details. Thank you.