현재 위치 - 대출자문플랫폼 - 초보자질문 - Inquire about the student status and student number of Shiqiao Beicheng Primary School in Panyu District, Guangzhou.

Inquire about the student status and student number of Shiqiao Beicheng Primary School in Panyu District, Guangzhou.

Student ID: Personal identification code (19 digits) is a unified code for basic information of personnel in the education system, which consists of type code (1 digit) and citizen identification number (18 digits) or personal identification self-coding (18 digits). Personal identity self-coding (18th digit) is an educational identity number given to the educated individual by the Ministry of Education according to these rules when the educated individual does not have a citizenship number (the second generation) or the original citizenship number is not available. Personal identity self-coding (18 bits) is a feature combination code, which consists of a 17-bit digital ontology code and a check code. The order from left to right is: six-digit address code, eight-digit date of birth code, three-digit serial code and one-digit check code.

Temporary student number: the national temporary student number coding rule is L+ the number generated according to the ID number coding rule (6-digit school district code +8-digit birth date +4-digit random code).

Official student number: with ID number: G+ ID number. No ID number: J+ ID number generation rules.

Please consult the school student status management personnel for details. Thank you.

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